
2021년 5월 12일 수요일

로벗98 2021. 5. 9. 04:40

*단어구문 정리
command station 지휘 통제소, 지휘소
nuts 미친, 제정신이 아닌, ~에 열광하는
under one's breath 작은 소리로 in a whisper
pull up (차를) 세우다
swing by 잠깐 들르다 
pilates 필라테즈(특수 장비를 써서 신체 유연성과 근력을 기르는 운동법)
by now 지금쯤은 이미, 이제
fraternity party 사교 파티, 친목 모임
dumpster 덤프스터(금속제의 대형 쓰레기 수집 용기)
poverty 가난, 빈곤, 부족
contagious 전염되는, 전염성의
spill 쏟아지다, 흘리다, 쏟다, 쏟아져 나오다
play along 동의[동조]하는 체하다
furlough 휴가, 일시해고, 일시취소 
 - to allow or force someone to be absent temporarily from work

snap at 파르르 화를 내다 
 - speak or say something suddenly in anger
back up 후진하다, 후진시키다
prick 멍청이 a stupid man
harsh 가혹한, 냉혹한, 혹독한, 눈에 거슬리는
tough call 힘든 결정
compliment 칭찬, 찬사, 칭찬하다
worked up (몹시) 흥분한,[화가 난] 

 - upset or very excited about something
squat 쪼그리고 앉다, 불법 거주하다, 무단 점유하다
pop a squat 쭈그리고 앉다, 노상 방뇨하다 
slammed 해야 할 일이 많은 
in a panic 허둥지둥, 당황하여, 공황을 일으켜
greasy 기름투성이의, 기름이 많이 묻은 

 - covered with or full of fat or oil

*문장정리 해석
If your parents were getting married, wouldn't you be excited?
만약 너네 부모님이 결혼한다면 엄청 신날 것 같지 않니?
Let's say they weren't married. 그들이 결혼을 안했다고 해보자. 
Wouldn't you think that would be like the coolest thing in the world if they got married?
이 세상에서 가장 멋진 일이라고 생각하지 않니? 그들이 결혼하는 게?
Amber left it at our place. 엠버가 이거 우리집에 두고 갔더라고요.
Thought I'd swing by. 잠깐 지나가면서 들리려고 했어요. 
You are right on the way to pilates. 이 집이 딱 필라테스 가는 길에 있거든요.
I thought she would have told you by now.

그애가 지금쯤은 너한테 말했을 줄 알았는데.
The girls were not here for Halloween. 애들이 할로윈에 여기 있지 않았어요. 

Kelsey really wanted to tell you herself.

켈시 스스로가 말하기를 원했거든요.

That does not sound like Kelsey. 전혀 켈시답지 않은데요.
It didn't seem like her first beer. 맥주를 처음 마신 거 같진 않았는데요.
She's never done anything like that before. 얘는 전에 그런적 없었어요.
Haddie is taking out the trash.

해디가 쓰레기를 꺼내고(가지고 나가고) 있다.

A short time later Haddie is washing off in the kitchen.
잠시후 해디는 주방에서 씻고 있다. 
Don't worry. Poverty is not contagious. 걱정마. 가난은 전염되지 않아.
A trash bag broke on me. 쓰레기 봉투가 내 위로 터져버렸어요.
I don't care if trash breaks on me. I cleaned it all up.
쓰레기가 나한테 터져도 상관 없어요. 내가 다 치웠어요.
You heard of double bagging, right? 봉투 이중으로 감싸는거 들었지, 그치?
Why would you tell her after you promised? 약속 했으면서 왜 말했어요?
She told me what Kelsey had said. 켈시가 뭐라고 말했는지 나한테 얘기해줬어. 
It was an enormous lie. 그건 너무 큰 거짓말이였어.
I couldn't play along. 내가 동조할 수 없었어. 
I would have had to lie to. 내가 거짓말을 해야 했을거야.
I really needed you to not say anything.

엄마가 아무말도 안하길 바랬어요.
She won't let me hang out with Kelsey anymore.
그애 엄마가 이제 나 켈시랑 더이상 못놀게 할 거에요.
She said that everything is my fault. 모든 것이 내 잘못이라고 말했대요. 

She said that I am the problem. 그애 엄마는 내가 문제라고 말했어요. 

I'm a bad influence and that Kelsey's not allowed to hang out with me anymore.
내가 나쁜 영향을 끼치는 애라 더이상 켈시랑 어울리지 못한대요. 
So now I don't get to hang out with my one friend here.
전 이제 여기 하나뿐인 친구랑 놀지 못하게 되었어요.
I thought I could trust you. 엄마를 믿어도 된다고 생각했어요. 
I am very very disappointed with you. 엄마한테 정말 정말 실망이에요.
Did you figure out who we're gonna cut? 우리가 누구를 잘라야 할지 해결 봤어?
I've been thinking. 내가 생각해봤는데.
We can be more creative about these layoffs.
우리 이 해고를 좀 더 창의정인 방식으로 할 수 있어.
We can farlough. 우리 일시해고 할 수 있어. 
We can have four-day work weeks, three-day work weeks for some people, if necessary. 일주일에 4일만 일한다던지, 어떤 사람한텐 3일만 일하게 한다던지, 필요하면은.
The big companies do this. 큰 회사들은 이렇게 해.
It's been proven to work. 이미 효과가 입증도 됐고.
How can I be more clear? 내가 어떻게 더 분명하게 (말) 해야해? 
This isn't some creative assignment. 이건 창의적인 과제가 아니야.
These are people, okay? That we have worked with for 15 years.
이건 사람들이야, 알아? 것도 우리랑 15년 같이 일한 사람들이라고.
You think I don't know that? 내가 그걸 모르는 것 같아? 
Stop thinking. Just do it, okay? 생각하지 말고, 그냥 해, 알았지?
Coffee run. Do you want anything?
커피 주문받으러 다니는 중. 뭐 마실래요?
 Cause it sure seems like you do. 오빠 정말 필요해 보이는데.
Gordon asked me out. 고든이 나한테 대쉬했어.
I don't know what I am gonna do, but just checking it with you.
어떻게 해야할지 모르겠네. 오빠한테 그냥 확인받는거야.
He's a little... prick. 걔 좀… 멍청이야.
I thought you guys liked each other. Why so harsh?
둘이 서로 좋아하는지 알았는데. 왜 그렇게 가혹한 말을 해?
I've known this guy a lot longer than you have.
난 이 남자를 너가 알았던 것 보다 훨씬 오래 알았어.
You know him differently and I am getting to know thim outside work.
오빠는 그를 다르게 아는거야. 나는 회사 밖에서 알아가고 있는거고. 
So maybe we have had different experiences?  
아마 우리는 다른 경험을 해왔을지도?
I don't know who'd be the better judge of his character.
누가 그의 성격을 더 잘 아는지는 모르겠네.
It's a tough call. 힘든 결정이구만.
If anybody doesn't know this guy, it's you.
만약 이 남자를 모르는 사람이 있다면 그건 너야
I am gonna make my own decisions. 내 결정은 내가 할게.
I think you are a little worked up. 내 생각에 오빠 좀 흥분한 것 같거든.
Pop a squat. 쪼그려 앉아봐.
Joel is still at the job site. 조엘은 아직 현장에 있어. 
He called in panic. 패닉 상태로 전화했더라고. 

I showed up like a knight in shining armor to be on Sydney duty. 
내가 Sydney를 맡으려고 빛나는 갑옷을 입고 기사처럼 딱 나타났지. 
You should try some. 엄마도 꼭 먹어봐요. 
Goes down easy. 술술 잘 넘어가. 

'Parenthood' 카테고리의 다른 글

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